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Fulfilled Bible Prophecies

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

Fulfilled Bible prophecies can be traced back more than two thousand years to the time of Daniel. His descriptions of a statue of a man composed of various metals has been deciphered as relating to the powers that would succeed each other from that time through to this current age. Many may be surprised at the role the Roman Catholic Church has played in the past and will continue to play in the coming future.

Ancient Prophecies Future Visions

Of course, fulfilled Bible prophecies begs the question about Bible prophecies not yet fulfilled. For a comprehensive overview of what has already been fulfilled and what is yet to come, see Ancient Prophecies Future Visions.

See also Prophecy in the news today for more blog posts.


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Image by NEOM

The interpretations of the ancient prophecies were presented to me from various sources and even I was surprised at some of the information. It's important to keep an open mind and leave oneself open to the possibilities. 

Almin Baqeir

Ancient Prophecy Future Visions

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