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Rules for Interpreting Prophecy

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

The prophecies in the most ancient of writings, known as the Bible, have challenged scholars throughout the ages to decipher their true meanings. The prophets of old have mentioned that their messages are cloaked in cryptic verse. Some of the indicators are stated in no-uncertain terms, whereas with others, the warning itself is even a little guarded. We see an example of the former in the Gospel of Mark, where he says, Unto you is given to know the mystery ... but it will be told in parable.

Ancient Prophecies Future Visions

Adding to the mystery of the ancient prophecies is the fact that they are also written in such a way that the understanding of those prophecies depends on the level of spiritual development of the reader. For those still doubtful of that fact, Corinthians clarifies that the parables have levels of understanding, like milk for babies and meat for men, where the use of the word 'milk' implies a simplified or watered-down teaser for the learning mind, whereas the meat is the full meaning that is only understandable to individuals with the more mature understanding. Another reference to this can be found in Proverbs, where it states that the sayings of the wise are riddles. The Gospel of John not only mentions speaking in parables, but also mentions dark sayings.

The mention of dark sayings may confuse some readers, implying that the messages are perhaps negative or even evil. However, another interpretation of that is that it's obscured or perhaps shadowed from the light. In other words, not clearly understandable, similar to what Corinthians says about levels of understanding, like milk for babies and meat for men.

Of course, if this is so, then why did the prophets of old obscure their writings in code, rather than speak openly of what they were foretelling? Maybe the answer to that is yet another biblical saying, don't cast pearl before swine. Even that saying is easily misunderstood, seemingly a derogatory terminology.

However, if we consider the humble beast that grazes on anything edible, then a pearl to a swine would be uneatable and distasteful - it would simple spit it out. To one more enlightened, the pearl is a thing of beauty and great value, whereas to the humble beast, it has no value or purpose whatsoever.

The ancient mysteries might be likened to a living flame, which can be used by the adept to bring light to the world. However, in the hands of the lesser spiritually evolved, it can be dangerous. For an overview of the rules for interpreting prophecies, plus a list of fulfilled Bible prophecies, and also ancient prophecies yet to be fulfilled, see Ancient Prophecies Future Visions.

See also Prophecy in the news today for more blog posts.


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Image by NEOM

The interpretations of the ancient prophecies were presented to me from various sources and even I was surprised at some of the information. It's important to keep an open mind and leave oneself open to the possibilities. 

Almin Baqeir

Ancient Prophecy Future Visions

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